GOAL: “To Bring the United African States (UAS) into Political Existence, Now!”

Martin Delany: The Father of Black Nationalism

A Visionary During Slavery As Black people in the United States continue to fight systemic oppression on various fronts, many of the elders in the freedom struggle continue to encourage their younger counterparts to study the readings and actions of a 19th-century figure by the name of Martin Delany.Delany was a renaissance man who cut…
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Dr King and the Universal Struggle for African Freedom (Keynote Address to the International MLK Day of Service) Monday, January 18, 2021.

My name is BaBa Mwalimu Kwasi-Quayaja AMSATA and I am the Coordinator for the Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM) in North America and the Author of: “The New Pan Africanism 2020”. The Book   I am honored to have been asked to do the Keynote Address for this year’s International MLK Day of Service. Last…
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DECLARATION OF THE PAN-AFRICAN FEDERALIST MOVEMENT (PAFM) ON VIOLENCE AND CRIMES AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE IN THE WORLD The Pan-African Federalist Movement (PAFM), is very concerned about the continuing unbearable criminal violation of the fundamental human rights of black people around the world. The recent murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and before him several other…
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Nyerere: “Without unity, there is no future for Africa”

This historic speech, given by our then esteemed 75 year old African Elder Statesmen, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, in 1997, ”was his most profound teaching moment and his finest hour”. This is what I say on page 5 of the Introduction of my newly published book: “The New Pan Africanism 2020”. I stand firmly behind this…
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Pan African author, Ed Brown, addresses 100th Anniversary Celebration of UNIA-ACL at Schomburg in Harlem

Pan African Author Mwalimu Ed Brown’s Speaks at the opening ceremony of the UNIA-ACL Centennial Celebration at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem. Calls for the creation of thousands of UAB2020 Clubs throughout the Global African Community to ignite a dynamic and transformative global Pan African Youth Movement (PAYM) that will…
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Dr. Kwame Nkrumah (A Pan African Perspective)

Dr. John Henrik Clarke was fond of saying that “Marcus Garvey was ahead of his time in the 1920s and, if he were alive today, he would still be ahead of his time!” The same can be said of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, the “Great Redeemer”. Nkrumah was ahead of his time in the 1950s &…
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